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Tuesday 12 July 2016

The All-NEW WC!

Sitting on the faded toilet seat, looking at the blue and white tiles on the white walls, and the plain white sink now bored me after a span of eight years. As my bathroom is the most relaxing space of the house, I wanted an interesting change. Besides the walls, tiles and paint, the most important thing troubling me was my eight-year old toilet seat. It was faded and dirty; despite the use of the best cleaning products.

Of course, age and use do take the life out of everything.

The Change

What I essentially needed was bathroom remodeling, Los Angeles. Notwithstanding all the other changes, I was more particular about the toilet seat.

Once in the market, the choices were many; toilet seats made of wood and plastic, small and big, oblong and round and many more. As wooden seats are more plush to look at and warmer to sit on, I chose the wooden one. When it came to the size, we needed a size matching the bathroom space. As my bathroom space is not very big, I chose the standard 12 inch size. The 14 inch one would cram up my bathroom. Elongated toilet bowls, which measure about 31 inches from the wall, seem comfortable, but my bathroom could not accommodate the same. I therefore, chose the 28 inch round bowl. The next concern was of a one-piece toilet seat or two-piece. Yes, the two-piece one is easy to carry and easy to install. However, the nasty little space between the flush tank and the seat is home for germs as it is a difficult space to clean. What’s more, the one-piece toilet seat seems plusher and modern.

So, finally, I settled down for the one-piece toilet with a wooden seat, which is now installed in my bathroom. The replacement of the old tiles with a new color, a new sink matching the toilet seat and a walk-in-shower instead of the old bathtub have also made my bathroom look new and interesting.

The professionals who assisted me through the project belonged to the RAP Construction Group. They ensured the best utilization of the space; not to forget helping me through the choice of the all-important toilet seat (smiles).

Thursday 23 June 2016

The Tale of the Tub and the Shower

As a child, I always fantasized lying down in a bath tub and enjoying the soap bubbles all over my body and giving me a relaxing, rejuvenated feeling. However, my bathroom never boasted of a bath tub. Probably, my Dad was not as fantasized as me.

The Tub Tale

So, as soon as I had a living space of my own, the one must-have in the bathroom was a bath tub. I lived my fantasy for a while. However, it ended sooner than I ever thought. With the changing trends, even my preference changed to a walk-in shower.

The walk-In shower 

The bathroom remodeling Los Angeles professionals from RAP Construction Group helped me make this task possible and now I have a lovely walk-in-shower to boast of in my bathroom.

Here are some learning’s from my journey from the bath tub to the walk-in shower.

  • If the tub is an alcove, then the space left after removing the tub is ideal for a walk-in shower. For it is 30 to 34 inches deep and 5 feet wide; which is ideal for the shower. The minimum requirements for remodeling would be minor changes in the plumbing and drainage lines.  
  • If the tub is a free-standing one, then remodeling will need some more planning. Often, the free standing tubs are placed near the windows, and owners mostly detest showers near windows. Ideally, a separate location would be required, which needs a new design. If the location is close to the existing one, then plumbing and drainage lines would not need a change. However, if the location is far away, then the remodeling will involve a whole lot of changes with plumbing and drainage lines.

Consider all these while you change your preferences.

Whatever the case, the professionals from RAP Construction can make it possible in the most efficient way.

Monday 13 June 2016

Giving a New Convenient Angle to Your Bathroom

The best of ideas crop up in the bathroom – while you are relaxing and rejuvenating for yet another day to begin. So, why compromise on the bathroom model? Whether small or big, bathrooms can be better utilized and designed to serve the purpose; yet seem breathtaking.

So, if you are “not so happy” with the way your bathroom looks, bathroom remodeling, Los Angeles with the professionals from RAP Construction Group can make it just the way you would like it; in whatever available space.


Yes, re-envisioning your bathroom into a cool, relaxing and attractive place is indeed a fulfilling task. However, before you step into the remodeling project, here are the essentials you must keep in mind.
  • First things first; it is important to chalk out a budget for the project. This would depend primarily on the bathroom space, the materials to be used and labor cost. Chalk out a clear budget to save yourself from nasty surprises.
  • The thumb rule is never to place the toilet where it is visible as soon as you step into the door.
  • The primary objective of remodeling is mostly for a novel and more “updated” look. However, some things are better, when left untouched. The old tiles mostly have layers of concrete and others used to fix them up. So, why pull them down when they are in a good condition? 
  • Good lighting adds ambience to the bathroom.
  • Considering the height of the sink is a must.
  • You can consider converting your tub into a shower.
Chalk out these and leave the rest to the professional designers at RAP Construction Group. They are pros are planning and designing the best bathrooms within your budget.

Friday 20 May 2016

Professioanl Assistance to Bathroom Remodelling in Los Angeles

I started renovating my upstairs bathroom early last year. It started off as a simple project as all we wanted to do was replace the tiles – many of the tiles had cracked and the caulking worn out.

I was pretty gung-ho about the project and sure I could handle it by myself over a long weekend. But while we were picking out the tile design, we just couldn’t resist replacing the windows as well. I really wanted energy-efficient options as the existing ones always let in cold drafts during the winter months.

One thing just led to the other and the wife was soon hooked on to a new sink with cabinets below them. She insisted that we desperately needed storage space in the bathroom. After that, replacing the shower cubicle with a latest jazzy model suddenly seemed to become imperative. This was followed by new faucets, towel rods and what not.

Whew! How was I going to manage all this work that was literally growing on to me? We tried doing the best we could, but between tugging out the tiles and changing the sink, I somehow managed to burst a pipeline! Needless to say, the bathroom was a big mess and beyond my simple skills.

We had no choice but to turn to the professionals and called in the renowned home remodeling contractors for bathroom remodeling in Los Angeles, California, RAP Construction Group. The technician took one look and got the gist of what was going on. Yet, they never backed out and very soon got down to remodeling the bathroom to our specifications.

Believe it or not, we even managed to sneak in a few more changes will they were at it!

Friday 6 May 2016

Why Remodeling Is A Good Idea?

You have been wanting to modernize the kitchen or overhaul the upstairs bathroom for years. But you keep putting it off thinking of the work and expenses.
Well, any kind of change in the house – from adding an extra floor or even bedroom to just replacing the flooring, installing new windows or changing the wainscot in the bathroom – is always a good thing.
If you are not convinced, just think of the extra space or comfort that you can enjoy once the remodeling is done. The renovation will also enhance the appeal of the house. In fact, the smallest of changes can add a fresh look and feel to the most lived-in of spaces. You will actually start enjoying living in the same house all over again!
Not to mention the direct increase in the value of the house. Indeed, big and small changes alike have a direct impact on the resale value of the property. This translates to meaning that just installing a new furnace or granite counters or even a steam shower makes for a sound investment indeed.
So much so that many remodeling works, like bathroom remodelingLos Angeles, California, actually pay off the costs by themselves. This does not mean that you have to put the house on the market at once. But if you do contemplate a sale down the road, the price will definitely be sweeter than what it would be without the renovations!

Saturday 23 April 2016

Why I Choose RAP Construction Group for Remodeling

After a spate of horrible experiences with a bunch of decidedly unethical and unprincipled general remodeling contractors, I finally found some much needed solace in the highly professional work of RAP Construction Group.

What happened was that the earlier contractor had assured me that he was appropriately bonded and insured. I took him at his word and never bothered to check his papers. What followed was one horrible mishap after another – the grossly inexperienced and negligent workers ended up damaging parts of my kitchen, their own equipment and themselves as well.

It turned out that the contractor actually did not have adequate liability or worker’s compensation insurance and I was held liable for all the damage, medical expenses and even their lost wages! No matter how much I fumed and ranted, I had to pay out a huge sum to cover everything.

The renowned kitchen remodeling contractors in Los Angeles, California, the RAP Construction Group came with exceptional testimonials, but I was once bitten twice shy. I carefully went over their insurance policy details and verified that all the coverage was adequate.

And after many a remodeling projects, till date I have not encountered a single issue with the remodeling company. Their workers are well-trained, insured and any problem is dealt with properly without making me liable for anything! RAP Construction Group now continues to be my home remodeling contractor of choice since a number of years.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Kitchen Remodel As You Like It

Every homeowner desires to have a dream kitchen in their house. Some hanker for a rustic and cozy feel while some want a sleek and stylish setup while others may long for an eclectic look.

I too always envisaged an inviting nook tucked away at the back of the house with warm colors and an attractive ambience. Yet, the platforms and cabinets should be polished with top-of-the-line appliances neatly arranged everywhere.

At the end of last year, I was finally able to transform my erstwhile functional kitchen and give it a classy makeover. I approached the reliable RAP Construction Group for the remodeling job and asked them for elegant ideas.

The suggestions of opening up the space and going for a granite countertop with an interesting backsplash struck the right cord with me. I liked the ideas for updating the hardware with slicker ones and wanted to upgrade the appliances as well. The hint of popping colors on the ceiling, an interesting chalkboard on the door and a cozy sitting area under the window clinched the deal for me.

I am so glad that the job was completed to perfection and my lifelong dream of a gourmet kitchen is finally fulfilled. Now I whip up gourmand delights in the appealing space to my heart’s content. All thanks to having the right kitchen remodeling contractors in Los Angeles, California for the job!

Thursday 24 March 2016

3D Modeling Makes Designs Come Alive

This winter we finally got down to the long-neglected task of renovating our kitchen. I had fine dreams of a contemporary all-white kitchen and wanted a lot of knickknacks arranged in an inviting atmosphere.

The vision was clear in my mind’s eye, but I just couldn’t perceive it when one remodeling contractor showed me his ‘excellent’ designs on paper. And I was loath to go ahead until I got a crystal-clear idea of what the plans would actually ‘look’ like.

I then turned to RAP Construction Group with more frustration than hope in my heart. I didn’t want to be subject to yet another bevy of ‘fascinating’ blueprints that were all Greek and Latin to me anyway. What I wanted was a clearer rendition where I could actually SEE what the designer was planning!

Boy, was I thrilled to find that this contractor provided 3D design rendering for home, bathroom and kitchen remodeling in Los Angeles.

The designer started off by discussing my plans and ideas in detail and it was clear that he had got a feel for what I wanted. He threw around some suggestions about how some of the ideas could be further refined. I frankly told him that I will not go ahead until I can clearly see what the final work will look like.

The very next day he came armed with 3D models and designs of the finished project. It instantly eased our foreboding and we did not have to keep imagining and wondering what the plans would actually turn out as.

This clear picture was fixed in our head and we witnessed it slowly turning into reality!

Thursday 10 March 2016

Walk-In Shower In My Bathroom

I have always had a penchant for classy shower stalls. But my old, ramshackle of a house has only huge bathtubs and not a single shower anywhere. One fine day as I once again just about managed to keep my creaky bones from breaking all over the slippery bathtub, I finally decided to tear up the bathroom downstairs and get it remodeled to suit my tastes.

I called in the home remodeling experts - RAP Construction Group – for Los Angeles bathroom remodeling and clearly told them that I want to get rid of the mammoth bathtub and install a lovely glass cubicle instead. Even as I was berating the constant risk of getting in and out of the old tubs, the contractor introduced me to the new concept of walk-in showers and bathtubs!

He told me that the walk-in feature will allow easy access even while looking modern and elegant. Even a wheelchair can be rolled in and out easily if required.

I agreed that doing away with the step-in concept would make life easy for my aging body and we even decided to have a built-in seat as my wife preferred to sit while bathing.

The contractor assured me that it will be easier to clean and doesn’t allow water to clog along the edges either.

We tossed around some more ideas before deciding to go ahead with the plan, and my new bathroom was ready inside of a month. The job was well-executed without any major hang-ups and the best part is that the workers never made the room or house messy!

Saturday 20 February 2016

Remodeling Project Efforts Should Pay Off

If you are buying a new home, then you are most likely to go through the repair works, and/or the areas that require renovation. Most often you will find that people are likely to change their kitchens or bathrooms than their living space or bedroom, because they want these rooms to be more functional for everyone. No matter big or small, both projects require detailed research, time and investment.

Focusing on kitchens, this is someplace where you can smell the food, and spend time with your grandma helping her in washing and peeling the veggies. Traditional or contemporary, kitchen remodeling Los Angeles will depend on how the owner would like to utilize the space and the things that would like to add or remove from the space.

Many would think that hiring professionals would mean making a big dent in the account. What they fail to realize is that their approach to the work will be thorough, and their experience and expertise can pull off the project in half the time. If you are lucky, you might find a service provider who might do it at a reasonable price. So get quotes from different providers, and once you are through with your requirements, discuss the possibilities so that you can give them the responsibility of implementing your dream kitchen to reality.

For me the experts of RAP Construction were the only ones I could turn to because of their good service and prioritizing customer requirements. They take into account your and combining their experience and knowledge suggest the right action. I can vouch that my efforts paid off in remodeling my kitchen, and the superiority of work reflects in the work of this incredible company.

Visit them at or call at (818)633-2277/ (323)209-5356 to talk to a professional.

Friday 5 February 2016

Give Your Bathroom A Fresh Look

When you are making any sort of changes with your home, you have to bear in mind the hauling cost and overall expenses, since that will help you determine the kind of things you want to work on. Considering all options is very important at the onset of work as this will help you understand the things you have, and the things you need to work on.

When planning on bathroom remodeling Los Angeles. For me the experts of RAP Construction were the only ones I could turn to because of their good service and prioritizing customer requirements. At the same time, they follow the guidelines and the team pays attention to detail which helps them deliver the best outcome for their clients. They take into account your and combining their experience and knowledge suggest the right action.

Since they like to work out a plan with their clients you can expect a lot of brainstorming session where you can put your ideas and preferences across the table. You can splurge on a small detail, or in a big way to make sure that it looks appealing, and matches your overall home décor.

I was very happy with their assistance, and they have been able to transform my bathroom into a
complete retreat. In fact now when my friends or guests turn up, they are more in awe of the bathroom than they are of the host. I can vouch that my efforts paid off, and the quality of work reflects in the work of this amazing company. You too can get the bathroom of your dreams with these experts.

Visit them at to get more details about their services, or you can call at (818)633-2277/ (323)209-5356 today, to talk to a professional.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Changing Bathrooms With Experts

Moving in a new home had me all excited about it. The first thing that I check when I move to a new home is the bathroom, which is the deal maker or breaker for me. Having lived in a small apartment, this shift was comparatively better if not the best, and the bathroom space was apt. What it needs was some jazzing and it was good to go.

I like to keep the bathroom décor to the bare minimum yet contemporary. My obsession with an all white bathroom has me searching for white cabinets, basins, and bathtubs. I found that there was sufficient space in the current bathroom that was enough to install a shower enclosure. So I called in the experts of RAP Construction because they are by far one of the trusted companies in bathroom remodeling Los Angeles.

The best thing about working with them is that they enjoy their work, and prioritize the requirements of their customers, putting their needs forward in every project. At the same time, they follow the guidelines and the team pays attention to detail which helps them deliver the best outcome for their clients. They take into account your and combining their experience and knowledge suggest the right action.

I was very happy with their assistance, and they have been able to transform my bathroom into a complete retreat. In fact now when my friends or guests turn up, they are more in awe of the bathroom than they are of the host. I can vouch that my efforts paid off, and the quality of work reflects in the work of this amazing company. You too can get the bathroom of your dreams with these experts.

Visit them at to get more details about their services, or you can call at (818)633-2277/ (323)209-5356 today, to talk to a professional.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Get Exact Resale Value of Bathrooms

Considered to be one of the expensive rooms to be renovated, the bathroom can be the make or break deal when you are selling or buying a home. Since homeowners like to concentrate their energy on rooms that do not require much work, for which doing changes with the bathroom can be quite tricky. As you get ready or the project, there are several things that you need to bear in mind when you are making the changes, so that you get a good resale value.

The first thing that you need to clear out is the needs of your family. You need to have a practical view of the bathroom, so that it has everything that a homeowner would probably look for in a home. Concepts like double bathroom sinks, walk-in showers, oversized bathtubs, bathroom storages are some of the things which are very popular. Secondly, by determining the space you have, you need to look for the materials that you would be using, along with the supplies that you would require.

Thirdly, you need to understand the layout of the bathroom, and make choices that utilize the space really well. What is practical for your family should also be practical for you. Fourthly, you need to go through the ideas which have already been used, or try to come up with something that you think will maximize the utility of this space in your home.

Finally, if you think that you are unable to come up with anything suitable, you can always choose professionals to help you out with Los Angeles bathroom remodeling, and who better than RAP Construction Group for the job. Visit them at, to get more details about their services, and the projects they have handled earlier to get an idea. You can also contact them for a free estimate today at 818-633-2277, or 323-209-5356.