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Thursday 24 March 2016

3D Modeling Makes Designs Come Alive

This winter we finally got down to the long-neglected task of renovating our kitchen. I had fine dreams of a contemporary all-white kitchen and wanted a lot of knickknacks arranged in an inviting atmosphere.

The vision was clear in my mind’s eye, but I just couldn’t perceive it when one remodeling contractor showed me his ‘excellent’ designs on paper. And I was loath to go ahead until I got a crystal-clear idea of what the plans would actually ‘look’ like.

I then turned to RAP Construction Group with more frustration than hope in my heart. I didn’t want to be subject to yet another bevy of ‘fascinating’ blueprints that were all Greek and Latin to me anyway. What I wanted was a clearer rendition where I could actually SEE what the designer was planning!

Boy, was I thrilled to find that this contractor provided 3D design rendering for home, bathroom and kitchen remodeling in Los Angeles.

The designer started off by discussing my plans and ideas in detail and it was clear that he had got a feel for what I wanted. He threw around some suggestions about how some of the ideas could be further refined. I frankly told him that I will not go ahead until I can clearly see what the final work will look like.

The very next day he came armed with 3D models and designs of the finished project. It instantly eased our foreboding and we did not have to keep imagining and wondering what the plans would actually turn out as.

This clear picture was fixed in our head and we witnessed it slowly turning into reality!


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