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Tuesday 12 July 2016

The All-NEW WC!

Sitting on the faded toilet seat, looking at the blue and white tiles on the white walls, and the plain white sink now bored me after a span of eight years. As my bathroom is the most relaxing space of the house, I wanted an interesting change. Besides the walls, tiles and paint, the most important thing troubling me was my eight-year old toilet seat. It was faded and dirty; despite the use of the best cleaning products.

Of course, age and use do take the life out of everything.

The Change

What I essentially needed was bathroom remodeling, Los Angeles. Notwithstanding all the other changes, I was more particular about the toilet seat.

Once in the market, the choices were many; toilet seats made of wood and plastic, small and big, oblong and round and many more. As wooden seats are more plush to look at and warmer to sit on, I chose the wooden one. When it came to the size, we needed a size matching the bathroom space. As my bathroom space is not very big, I chose the standard 12 inch size. The 14 inch one would cram up my bathroom. Elongated toilet bowls, which measure about 31 inches from the wall, seem comfortable, but my bathroom could not accommodate the same. I therefore, chose the 28 inch round bowl. The next concern was of a one-piece toilet seat or two-piece. Yes, the two-piece one is easy to carry and easy to install. However, the nasty little space between the flush tank and the seat is home for germs as it is a difficult space to clean. What’s more, the one-piece toilet seat seems plusher and modern.

So, finally, I settled down for the one-piece toilet with a wooden seat, which is now installed in my bathroom. The replacement of the old tiles with a new color, a new sink matching the toilet seat and a walk-in-shower instead of the old bathtub have also made my bathroom look new and interesting.

The professionals who assisted me through the project belonged to the RAP Construction Group. They ensured the best utilization of the space; not to forget helping me through the choice of the all-important toilet seat (smiles).


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