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Friday 20 May 2016

Professioanl Assistance to Bathroom Remodelling in Los Angeles

I started renovating my upstairs bathroom early last year. It started off as a simple project as all we wanted to do was replace the tiles – many of the tiles had cracked and the caulking worn out.

I was pretty gung-ho about the project and sure I could handle it by myself over a long weekend. But while we were picking out the tile design, we just couldn’t resist replacing the windows as well. I really wanted energy-efficient options as the existing ones always let in cold drafts during the winter months.

One thing just led to the other and the wife was soon hooked on to a new sink with cabinets below them. She insisted that we desperately needed storage space in the bathroom. After that, replacing the shower cubicle with a latest jazzy model suddenly seemed to become imperative. This was followed by new faucets, towel rods and what not.

Whew! How was I going to manage all this work that was literally growing on to me? We tried doing the best we could, but between tugging out the tiles and changing the sink, I somehow managed to burst a pipeline! Needless to say, the bathroom was a big mess and beyond my simple skills.

We had no choice but to turn to the professionals and called in the renowned home remodeling contractors for bathroom remodeling in Los Angeles, California, RAP Construction Group. The technician took one look and got the gist of what was going on. Yet, they never backed out and very soon got down to remodeling the bathroom to our specifications.

Believe it or not, we even managed to sneak in a few more changes will they were at it!

Friday 6 May 2016

Why Remodeling Is A Good Idea?

You have been wanting to modernize the kitchen or overhaul the upstairs bathroom for years. But you keep putting it off thinking of the work and expenses.
Well, any kind of change in the house – from adding an extra floor or even bedroom to just replacing the flooring, installing new windows or changing the wainscot in the bathroom – is always a good thing.
If you are not convinced, just think of the extra space or comfort that you can enjoy once the remodeling is done. The renovation will also enhance the appeal of the house. In fact, the smallest of changes can add a fresh look and feel to the most lived-in of spaces. You will actually start enjoying living in the same house all over again!
Not to mention the direct increase in the value of the house. Indeed, big and small changes alike have a direct impact on the resale value of the property. This translates to meaning that just installing a new furnace or granite counters or even a steam shower makes for a sound investment indeed.
So much so that many remodeling works, like bathroom remodelingLos Angeles, California, actually pay off the costs by themselves. This does not mean that you have to put the house on the market at once. But if you do contemplate a sale down the road, the price will definitely be sweeter than what it would be without the renovations!